Does a Headache Physio Really Work?

Headaches are a common problem ranging from a mild inconvenience to a debilitating condition. Our headache physio understands how headaches can impact your daily life and provides specialised treatments to alleviate your symptoms. These treatments focus on three different types of headaches: cervicogenic, tension, and migraines.

Cervicogenic Headaches: These headaches are caused by issues in your cervical spine, including joint, muscle, ligament, or disc dysfunctions. They’re common in people with sedentary jobs or poor posture, typically starting in the neck and spreading to the head.

Tension Headaches: These headaches are often linked to stress or muscle tension in your neck and head. They present as persistent, mild to moderate pain, usually felt on both sides of your head.

Migraines: More severe than headaches, migraines are characterised by throbbing pain, usually on one side of your head, and can be aggravated by movement.

How Does Physiotherapy Help?

The headache physio at our Preston Clinic begins with a thorough assessment of your headaches. That’s because we need to determine if your headaches are cervicogenic or tension-related as the treatments are different. For migraines, we recommend you consult your GP for additional treatment because physiotherapy can only provide symptomatic relief, not cure your migraines.

Our headache physio designs a treatment plan customised to your needs and may include manual therapy techniques, such as joint mobilisation, massage, and dry needling. We also focus on identifying and modifying any postures or habits that may be contributing to your headaches. Additionally, we provide tailored exercises and stretches to strengthen your neck muscles and improve posture, ultimately reducing the frequency and intensity of your headaches​​.

Why Choose a Headache Physio in Preston?

Visiting a headache physio in Preston means receiving personalised care tailored to your specific needs. Our headache physio is experienced in various techniques that not only address your immediate pain but also work towards preventing future occurrences.

If you want a natural, effective approach to managing your headaches, our team at Preston Physiotherapy is here to help.

Rachel Neate