Telehealth FAQ
What is telehealth?
Telehealth is Physiotherapy via either telephone or video consultation. Due to the recent outbreak of COVID-19, telehealth has been implemented at our practice to ensure that we can help our clients achieve their goals from the comfort and safety of their own home.
WHAT CAN I expect from a consult?
Face to face Physiotherapy is made up of a combination of assessment, diagnosis, manual therapy, education and exercises. With telehealth, you can expect the exact same service just without the manual therapy. We regularly educate our patients that their home exercises are the main factor that leads to better health and less pain. We know that there is also benefit to manual therapy, but at this time, the risks outweigh the benefits. In an initial consultation via video consult you will receive:
assessment and diagnosis
exercises to complete at home
For a small $10 fee you can also subscribe to access your Physiotherapist via the Physitrack app, which allows you to ask questions through the app and have your program updated as required without having to do a full follow-up consultation.
Telehealth is suitable for a wide range of injuries and issues, but definitely not all. Please see a summarised list of the things we generally can achieve excellent results in via telehealth, and things that are more suited to review with a GP first.
YES - (back pain, neck pain, headaches, postural problems, shoulder pain, lower limb or upper limb pain, pregnancy, post-pregnancy, pelvic floor issues, pre-operatively, post-operatively)
WHY? The reason is, is these issues tend to respond extremely well to an exercise based program. Perfect for the telehealth setting.
NO - We will ask you to review with the GP or attend a face-to-face appointment prior to seeing us via telehealth if you were having unremitting night pain, a sudden traumatic injury (ie. car accident), bladder or bowel issues, a recent fall resulting in pain, and dizziness.
WHY? The reason is, is these issues usually require a scan or further face-to-face investigation prior to being able to recommend a suitable course of treatment.
Prior to your appointment, we will require completion of an online for for new patients (link below) and payment.
Payment can be made online at time of booking or via invoice
Please send us any relevant information prior to your appointment via email including:
referral letters from GP / specialists
scan results
relevant TAC / WorkCover paperwork
New patient form for telehealth