Ellen Wood-Burgess
master of physiotherapy (la trobe university)
APA womens health level 1
After graduating from LaTrobe university, Ellen has spent time rotating within the public hospital system. This has included time spent on various wards as well as in the outpatient musculoskeletal department and the postnatal maternity ward. This sparked passion for women's health and in particular, caring for women in the childbearing years.
Ellen is passionate about education and empowering individuals with principles to assist with their own self-management. Ellen is passionate about coming alongside people and working with them towards their own individual goals and provides thorough manual therapy to reduce a clients pain fast.
Outside of work you will find Ellen frequenting pilates classes or settled on the couch with a good book or crochet hook in hand.
Special interests
Joint pain
Neck & back pain
Exercise injuries
Nerve pain
Pregnancy and Pelvic Health
Mission statement
“Compassion care where clients feel heard is who I am. Helping people that may have lost faith in healthcare, helping people that want to improve even the smallest parts of themselves. Helping clients achieve health and wellness.”
Side hustle
Working at Preston Pelvic Health for all your pregnancy and pelvic health related concerns.